PUBLIC DOMAIN Items for community interest: This Page is a news update with published extracts from the Local Papers (with permission). Accuracy is dependant on the items placed by residents but are usually verified.
30 September 2021 LPP2 Meeting
Residents group hits out at Tories' stance on Red Court D
BY HOWARD BROWN Haslemere South Residents Association
Despite the fact Waverley Brough Council's Local Plan Part Two (LLP2) is a Waverley-wide development plan, last week's council debate was almost entirely about just one potential development site, Red Court in Haslemere. Although this site had been proposed as an allocation for development in earlier drafts of LPP2, it was not included in the latest plan recommended by Waverley's executive committee. Leader Paul Follows summed up why it was the right thing to exclude Red Court: Haslemere Town Council had voted both against its allocation in LPP2 and against the developer's planning application; Waverley's western planning committee had rejected the same planning application and it was incompatible with Haslemere's Neighbourhood Plan (about to go to referendum); but perhaps most importantly, the voice Of the Haslemere community had been listened to. Haslemere prioritises the protection of its green field countryside and special habitats for endangered species which reside within and around the town.
The council leader explained the revised LPP2 included a new brownfield site allocation at the Royal School's campus beside the A3 in Hindhead. He noted this new, larger site benefited from support from both Natural England and Surrey Hills AONB. Several Conservative councillors were relentless in their attacks and opposition to the removal of Red Court from LPP2, even though it would account for only 50 homes among-thousands in the borough's extensive housing development plan for the period up to 2032. In particular, Cllr Carole Cockburn from Farnham was so vehement in supporting development at Red Court that the chair of the meeting had to ask repeatedly whether her additional comments were actually adding to the debate. The residents of Haslemere, including the 536 who have expressly written to oppose building at, Red Court, should ask why a Farnham Conservative was so exercised by this site, miles away from constituency, if it wasn't to fall in line with our own Conservative mayor, Cllr Simon Dear, who was conspicuous by his absence on this key vote. Strangely, although Cllr Cockburn stated she wanted the LPP2 to go through without delay, she then voted against, knowing that if it were not passed there would be further delay — and all over a site outside her own constituency that she said was not important to her personally but which she fought so fervently to oppose.
Haslemere South Residents Association is very pleased to see both the Neighbourhood Plan going to referendum on Thursday, October 7 and Waverley's Local Plan Part 2 being launched for its final stages of approval. These will combine to ensure our town's uniquely beautiful rural character is maintained and its ecological habitats protected, all in the spirit of local National Trust founder Robert Hunter, Haslemere's first mayor. We would like to extend thanks on behalf of our members to leader Cllr Follows and former Haslemere mayor and the council meeting's chair John Robini for guiding what was at times a fractious debate.
Please buy the Haslemere Herald for the full story (90p)
Residents group hits out at Tories' stance on Red Court D
BY HOWARD BROWN Haslemere South Residents Association
Despite the fact Waverley Brough Council's Local Plan Part Two (LLP2) is a Waverley-wide development plan, last week's council debate was almost entirely about just one potential development site, Red Court in Haslemere. Although this site had been proposed as an allocation for development in earlier drafts of LPP2, it was not included in the latest plan recommended by Waverley's executive committee. Leader Paul Follows summed up why it was the right thing to exclude Red Court: Haslemere Town Council had voted both against its allocation in LPP2 and against the developer's planning application; Waverley's western planning committee had rejected the same planning application and it was incompatible with Haslemere's Neighbourhood Plan (about to go to referendum); but perhaps most importantly, the voice Of the Haslemere community had been listened to. Haslemere prioritises the protection of its green field countryside and special habitats for endangered species which reside within and around the town.
The council leader explained the revised LPP2 included a new brownfield site allocation at the Royal School's campus beside the A3 in Hindhead. He noted this new, larger site benefited from support from both Natural England and Surrey Hills AONB. Several Conservative councillors were relentless in their attacks and opposition to the removal of Red Court from LPP2, even though it would account for only 50 homes among-thousands in the borough's extensive housing development plan for the period up to 2032. In particular, Cllr Carole Cockburn from Farnham was so vehement in supporting development at Red Court that the chair of the meeting had to ask repeatedly whether her additional comments were actually adding to the debate. The residents of Haslemere, including the 536 who have expressly written to oppose building at, Red Court, should ask why a Farnham Conservative was so exercised by this site, miles away from constituency, if it wasn't to fall in line with our own Conservative mayor, Cllr Simon Dear, who was conspicuous by his absence on this key vote. Strangely, although Cllr Cockburn stated she wanted the LPP2 to go through without delay, she then voted against, knowing that if it were not passed there would be further delay — and all over a site outside her own constituency that she said was not important to her personally but which she fought so fervently to oppose.
Haslemere South Residents Association is very pleased to see both the Neighbourhood Plan going to referendum on Thursday, October 7 and Waverley's Local Plan Part 2 being launched for its final stages of approval. These will combine to ensure our town's uniquely beautiful rural character is maintained and its ecological habitats protected, all in the spirit of local National Trust founder Robert Hunter, Haslemere's first mayor. We would like to extend thanks on behalf of our members to leader Cllr Follows and former Haslemere mayor and the council meeting's chair John Robini for guiding what was at times a fractious debate.
Please buy the Haslemere Herald for the full story (90p)
2 July 21 : HSRA as Community Support
Haslemere Community Land Trust – Search for Hidden Gems
"As you are no doubt aware, the high level of housing costs in and around Haslemere serves to exclude young people and modestly paid local workers from having a home they can call their own and prevents growing families and older residents from moving to houses that meet their needs more fully. Haslemere Community Land Trust was incorporated as a non-profit, volunteer-run organisation four years ago to address these issues and redress this threat to the social balance of our community. Our aim is to create genuinely affordable housing for local people and we have made much progress in establishing our reputation, recruiting members and garnering valuable support from the Town Council.
We have recently launched a Search for Hidden Gems, inviting those with land or buildings that may be suitable for affordable housing projects to contact us so that we can explore
potential opportunities together" A flyer is attached that provides more details and you can contact them at [email protected].
Haslemere Community Land Trust – Search for Hidden Gems
"As you are no doubt aware, the high level of housing costs in and around Haslemere serves to exclude young people and modestly paid local workers from having a home they can call their own and prevents growing families and older residents from moving to houses that meet their needs more fully. Haslemere Community Land Trust was incorporated as a non-profit, volunteer-run organisation four years ago to address these issues and redress this threat to the social balance of our community. Our aim is to create genuinely affordable housing for local people and we have made much progress in establishing our reputation, recruiting members and garnering valuable support from the Town Council.
We have recently launched a Search for Hidden Gems, inviting those with land or buildings that may be suitable for affordable housing projects to contact us so that we can explore
potential opportunities together" A flyer is attached that provides more details and you can contact them at [email protected].
21 June 21 Gunshot: A man with a gun was photographed and a shot was fired at 9:15 on Friday 25th June 2021. Residents adjacent to Red Court AONB were alarmed and reported the event when so close to their homes with children in their garden backing onto the field. Event on Twitter.
17 June 21 Road Accident: Midhurst Road and Scotland Lane 17 June at 5pm. This is the latest in a series of accidents on this junction or close by and we sympathise with all the people involved. The visibility is poor with the undulating road and it is a fact that the junction becomes a rat-run when other routes such as Shepherd's Hill are closed or congested. This is one of several over the last few years. Developments such as Red Court, Heights and Sturt Farm will have a massive cumulative impact on this plus other junctions in Haslemere. Old Haslemere Road will, with it proposed virtual pavement, end in tragedy. Red Court will be the single biggest contributor to this unfolding dilemma.

YEA! Summer is here: Oh dear, the water has run out already, 8 days in. Firstly we had three different reasons whey we lost water on 2 June. On the 7 June the tankers arrive, 3 to 4 tankers a day with 4000G of water each.
There is a Water shortage, which cannot be solved by a few meters to discourage usage. If TW are investing £55M to accommodate "Growing Guildford" why are they ignoring Haslemere - 50 houses on the Hill = no water.
There is a Water shortage, which cannot be solved by a few meters to discourage usage. If TW are investing £55M to accommodate "Growing Guildford" why are they ignoring Haslemere - 50 houses on the Hill = no water.
1 June 21 : Deer Injury Video: Since the ill-conceived and unprofessional deer fence [Pen], was constructed by Cox it has trapped seven [7] deer, many caught on camera and video as well as in the fence. The awful and disputed 'March Deer' in the Herald is on full video showing that despite accusations, the stills are all real and the fence should have been taken down. It is wildlife cruelty. The intent was deemed by a Wildlife expert as cruel, as is the video, so it is only available on request - Email and if agreed the FTP link will be forwarded. Not for the faint-hearted.
1 June 2021: 1st Comment in already - Horrible -How can the Developer be deemed as responsible if this is their approach to locals and wildlife?
1 June 2021: 1st Comment in already - Horrible -How can the Developer be deemed as responsible if this is their approach to locals and wildlife?
Herald 20 May 2021
Mr Thomson questions the lack of transparency where a Councillor has a Business which may conflict with his ability to pass unbiased judgement on Planning & the Neighbourhood plan.
Also stated that Lion Green was churned up by the Fair - All green spaces are precious so the assumption is the grass will be replanted?
Mr Thomson questions the lack of transparency where a Councillor has a Business which may conflict with his ability to pass unbiased judgement on Planning & the Neighbourhood plan.
Also stated that Lion Green was churned up by the Fair - All green spaces are precious so the assumption is the grass will be replanted?
Herald 13 May 2021
Mr Benson entered a letter about digging holes. The editor did not understand the content or the message being portrayed so please buy a paper if you wish to read it.
Cllr Ellis responded to the comment made by Benson last week and from 5 out of 7 Conservative town Councillors. Cllr Dear was missing.
The letter stated quite clearly, albeit verbose, that the Haslemere Neighbourhood Plan is sound and was developed using the correct process and is now supporting the local community wishes and the statements made in a previous issue of the Herald we unfounded and inaccurate. (please buy a paper for full letter)
Mr Benson entered a letter about digging holes. The editor did not understand the content or the message being portrayed so please buy a paper if you wish to read it.
Cllr Ellis responded to the comment made by Benson last week and from 5 out of 7 Conservative town Councillors. Cllr Dear was missing.
The letter stated quite clearly, albeit verbose, that the Haslemere Neighbourhood Plan is sound and was developed using the correct process and is now supporting the local community wishes and the statements made in a previous issue of the Herald we unfounded and inaccurate. (please buy a paper for full letter)
HTC Event (corrected 24/05/21)
Simon Dear was duly elected 10-7- which given his track record of voting against the best interests of his Haslemere South Residents, as well as general poor behaviour (and failure to declare his interest as director of a development/property company) is disappointing to say the least. Also of concern is the clear alliance of some of the Lib Dem's with the Conservatives.
Here is the vote and also attached Cllr Coles statement- she nominated Cllr Barton who agreed to stand given the short comings of Cllr Dear as Mayoral candidate.
Red Court maybe in planning soon, Cllr Dear is also WBC councillor- along with Jerome Davidson who nominated him- they are both on the planning committee with Peter Isherwood who also voted for Red Court and opposed the Neighbourhood Plan in its current form.
Thursday 13th May 2021 roll call:
Simon Dear: nominated by Jerome Davidson (Lib Dem)
Seconded- David Round (Cons)
Votes for:
Arrick- C : Davidson- LD : Dear- C : Dullaway-C : Hewett- C : Isherwood- C : Keen- LD : Nicholson- LD : Odell- C : Round - C
Nikki Barton nominated by Isabelle Cole (LD), Seconded Gary Lloyd (Green)
Votes for:
Barton- Ind : Cole- LD : Ellis- Ind : Lloyd- Green : Matthes- Green : Whitby- LD Robini- LD
Weldon- LD abstained
Simon Dear was duly elected 10-7- which given his track record of voting against the best interests of his Haslemere South Residents, as well as general poor behaviour (and failure to declare his interest as director of a development/property company) is disappointing to say the least. Also of concern is the clear alliance of some of the Lib Dem's with the Conservatives.
Here is the vote and also attached Cllr Coles statement- she nominated Cllr Barton who agreed to stand given the short comings of Cllr Dear as Mayoral candidate.
Red Court maybe in planning soon, Cllr Dear is also WBC councillor- along with Jerome Davidson who nominated him- they are both on the planning committee with Peter Isherwood who also voted for Red Court and opposed the Neighbourhood Plan in its current form.
Thursday 13th May 2021 roll call:
Simon Dear: nominated by Jerome Davidson (Lib Dem)
Seconded- David Round (Cons)
Votes for:
Arrick- C : Davidson- LD : Dear- C : Dullaway-C : Hewett- C : Isherwood- C : Keen- LD : Nicholson- LD : Odell- C : Round - C
Nikki Barton nominated by Isabelle Cole (LD), Seconded Gary Lloyd (Green)
Votes for:
Barton- Ind : Cole- LD : Ellis- Ind : Lloyd- Green : Matthes- Green : Whitby- LD Robini- LD
Weldon- LD abstained
May2020: The Local Neighbourhood Plan
The consultancy period is now closed (31 May 2020). HSRA will Email all when the next stage is announced or there is an update
The consultancy period is now closed (31 May 2020). HSRA will Email all when the next stage is announced or there is an update
May 2020: Water Pressure
As was the case last summer, the water pressure dropped in the late evening on 31 May 2020 across Haslemere South with some outage. There is concern, as there was last year, that more executive houses on Sturt Farm and especially Red Court would overload the Thames Water Blackdown Reservoir along with the supply infrastructure causing an over capacity issue.
Naturally the onus would be on Thames Water to resolve, but the housing type could be a cheaper and sustainable solution.
If the density of the housing close to the Station and retail outlets (High Street, Wey Hill etc) was enforced, the water demand would be less as the gardens would be smaller (if any), car washing lower and overall capacity maybe maintained at a lower infrastructure cost. Naturally with this repeated situation, this would have to be completed BE FORE any volume housing is initiated or the system will collapse and water would be via bottles at Tesco again. Saving the AONB to remain as grass increases the Aquifer fill rate and reduces the demand all in one step.
Flooding of course is the opposite issue but with the same double edge solution. By preserving the AONB at the top of the Hill will maintain the natural soak away into the aquifer and help to mitigate the flooding at the end of Scotland Lane, currently three times a year minimum. Again higher density dwellings close to the station helps this situation in many ways.
As was the case last summer, the water pressure dropped in the late evening on 31 May 2020 across Haslemere South with some outage. There is concern, as there was last year, that more executive houses on Sturt Farm and especially Red Court would overload the Thames Water Blackdown Reservoir along with the supply infrastructure causing an over capacity issue.
Naturally the onus would be on Thames Water to resolve, but the housing type could be a cheaper and sustainable solution.
If the density of the housing close to the Station and retail outlets (High Street, Wey Hill etc) was enforced, the water demand would be less as the gardens would be smaller (if any), car washing lower and overall capacity maybe maintained at a lower infrastructure cost. Naturally with this repeated situation, this would have to be completed BE FORE any volume housing is initiated or the system will collapse and water would be via bottles at Tesco again. Saving the AONB to remain as grass increases the Aquifer fill rate and reduces the demand all in one step.
Flooding of course is the opposite issue but with the same double edge solution. By preserving the AONB at the top of the Hill will maintain the natural soak away into the aquifer and help to mitigate the flooding at the end of Scotland Lane, currently three times a year minimum. Again higher density dwellings close to the station helps this situation in many ways.
30th Jan 2020
Deer Stockade :Haslemere Herald.
Deer Stockade :Haslemere Herald.
26 November 2019
The TPO issue was raised and Waverley Tree Department suggested that the Red Court was only normal "Woodland management". No protection required. Compare the images. 2017 before Red Court was sold and recent(2019) Mass fire pit in the centre of the woodland and gross path cut through the AONB to the East of the land area out to the lodge. Quite a few trees. |
29 October 2019
Juvenile deer killed on Midhurst Road early in the Morning. Poor thing was left all day.
Although this cannot be attributed directly to any work on the land, anyone who puts a long fence across the normal roaming land of a deer which traces from the hill straight to the main road is asking for a tragedy.
Juvenile deer killed on Midhurst Road early in the Morning. Poor thing was left all day.
Although this cannot be attributed directly to any work on the land, anyone who puts a long fence across the normal roaming land of a deer which traces from the hill straight to the main road is asking for a tragedy.
28 August 2019
Reports that a Drone was flying the fields around Scotlands Close interestingly viewing private gardens and their now restricted views along with the noted activity around the Lodge suggest Redwood is in cohorts with a commercial developer.
Reports that a Drone was flying the fields around Scotlands Close interestingly viewing private gardens and their now restricted views along with the noted activity around the Lodge suggest Redwood is in cohorts with a commercial developer.
8 July 2019: On 1st June and again 6th July Deer have been seen in the compound behind Scotlands Lane. This is plain cruelty.
Redwood have been informed by Letter.
Redwood have been informed by Letter.
13 June 2019: Redwood have made a series of unsubstantiated claims at a consultancy. The local paper has a set of statements refuting every claim.
See statements under Green Wash
See statements under Green Wash
1st June 2019: Sadly we have a Wildlife situation again.
Local Resident Quote: "The management of any AONB land should only be taken on by professionally qualified personnel who understand the interaction between each part of the diversity Eco System. The current low quality haphazard style simple damages specific sections and will ultimately lead to reduced biodiversity. Each part of the chain is essential. The disruption of the badgers runs at the entrance to Bell Vale Lane has already resulted in the no badger movement around Chiltern Close."
Local Resident Quote: "The management of any AONB land should only be taken on by professionally qualified personnel who understand the interaction between each part of the diversity Eco System. The current low quality haphazard style simple damages specific sections and will ultimately lead to reduced biodiversity. Each part of the chain is essential. The disruption of the badgers runs at the entrance to Bell Vale Lane has already resulted in the no badger movement around Chiltern Close."
1st June : NEWS on Consultation - The Email information was wrong so Email rejected. The Stand was undermanned for most of the Time at Haslewey. The complacency should mark this Consultancy as a sham (All Quotes from Twitter feed)
We will update as the outcome of the consultation is revealed. Please ensure you go to the How to Object page and register your objection by 31 May 2019
We will update as the outcome of the consultation is revealed. Please ensure you go to the How to Object page and register your objection by 31 May 2019

HSRA Next Gathering.
The last HSRA gathering Friday 17th May 2019 in Georgian Hotel Haslemere at 7:30pm - .
The last HSRA gathering Friday 17th May 2019 in Georgian Hotel Haslemere at 7:30pm - .
April 12 2019. 08:05
Sadly again report two deer were trapped, distressed by the recently installed fences along the south and west perimeters of Red Court. We took no images this time but this is the second incident of animal cruelty/distress is the same as the last on 20 March 2019, involving a single doe. We have lodged a complaint with the site owners and management and contacted the RSPCA and Rural Police. Hopefully appropriate action will be taken to ensure animal safety in our community.
Sadly again report two deer were trapped, distressed by the recently installed fences along the south and west perimeters of Red Court. We took no images this time but this is the second incident of animal cruelty/distress is the same as the last on 20 March 2019, involving a single doe. We have lodged a complaint with the site owners and management and contacted the RSPCA and Rural Police. Hopefully appropriate action will be taken to ensure animal safety in our community.
March 20th 07:28 Deer Stress
We do not like to show images of distressed or injured animals, but we need to highlight what happened on Wed 20th March 2019 to this deer as a result of recent ‘interventions’ on Red Court land. It is important that our local Councillors, residents, wildlife preservationists, environmentalists, nature lovers and people who hate cruelty to animals are aware that the new fence erected on the south and west of Scotlands Close is a potential killer for deer.
If any resident has appropriate suggestions or contacts to help us reverse this action and ensure that such future cruelty to animals does not occur, please contact the HSRA Committee on the web form CONTACT
The deer was found in a highly distressed, injured state, ensnared by this fence early this morning, where she had been struggling to get free for some time. With some effort, a HSRA member managed to successfully coerce her out of being ensnared and out of the fenced area. It was difficult to ascertain the extent of her injuries as she was so distressed she ran off every which way, bleeding. She ended up in Scotlands Close before disappearing. These images and the withheld associated video were taken with a long lens so not to stress the deer any further.
Horrors of the deer fence on AONB land. This is the outcome. All images verifiable with associated time stamped video.
Older news (pre April 2019)
19 March - Other signs
Whereas we do not want be political on any point, an interesting scenario has arisen where boards (not dissimilar to those put up by HSRA on Scotland Lane) are on display on a roadside near the Waverley Borough Council office. We do not want their local community’s objections removed or highlighted, simply to use them as a comparison. It appears that their signs are acceptable, but HSRA’s are not! Waverley Borough Council: where is your integrity and impartiality? |
And, small note. The Postbox reappears April 18.
Just in the correct location - outside the Lodge. Lets hope this one survives - it is being watched.
March 9th 2019 Boards
Our lovely "Save the Countryside boards" were forcefully removed through a Waverley Order as they posed a political threat to the amenities ( the general culture and environment) although we followed the Government "Outdoor advertisements and signs: a guide for advertisers"
Our lovely "Save the Countryside boards" were forcefully removed through a Waverley Order as they posed a political threat to the amenities ( the general culture and environment) although we followed the Government "Outdoor advertisements and signs: a guide for advertisers"
Local residents gathering for the removal.
Feb 2019: International Dark Sky Reserves
A dark sky provides excellent terrestrial views, unseen in urban areas and South Haslemere is lucky that anyone on the southern flank can enjoy this rare view, unadulterated by light pollution. The Moore's Reserve in the South Downs National Park is ranked 8th in the World and is not that far away. Urban sprawl introduces light pollution and heat haze from masonry and roof tiles wiping out the clear dark sky.
If under the proposed development, 200 houses or even 50 are added on this AGLV-Candidate AONB land (thus designated in order to ensure its protection for future generations) the resultant light pollution will simply swamp Haslemere’s precious terrestrial sights. Any local astronomer knows that the ability to image the Orion Nebula and Milky Way is possible solely because the dark sky creates a long exposure, impossible in an urban landscape.
The buffer zone must be retained, if we wish to allow our children to see the heavenly sights. Don't build on this southern buffer land - or another great feature will be lost. It will be there, but we won’t be able to see it anymore. Ever.
Have a read: Dark Sky in Sussex
A dark sky provides excellent terrestrial views, unseen in urban areas and South Haslemere is lucky that anyone on the southern flank can enjoy this rare view, unadulterated by light pollution. The Moore's Reserve in the South Downs National Park is ranked 8th in the World and is not that far away. Urban sprawl introduces light pollution and heat haze from masonry and roof tiles wiping out the clear dark sky.
If under the proposed development, 200 houses or even 50 are added on this AGLV-Candidate AONB land (thus designated in order to ensure its protection for future generations) the resultant light pollution will simply swamp Haslemere’s precious terrestrial sights. Any local astronomer knows that the ability to image the Orion Nebula and Milky Way is possible solely because the dark sky creates a long exposure, impossible in an urban landscape.
The buffer zone must be retained, if we wish to allow our children to see the heavenly sights. Don't build on this southern buffer land - or another great feature will be lost. It will be there, but we won’t be able to see it anymore. Ever.
Have a read: Dark Sky in Sussex
Feb 19: Wildlife Appeal: With the onset of (very early) spring, please start looking for wildlife appearing in the woodlands, wildlife habitats and green meadows that are DS-15. We have recorded owls, deer, woodpeckers, all manner of tits and pigeons, but the land Waverley call DS-15 is home to many protected bird and other wildlife species. Migratory and hibernating animals will start to appear with this warmer weather so keep watching.
Please submit any findings with exact location and your address. We will not publish any address but we must confirm all video, images and sounds are from DS-15 and the immediate vicinity, so try and catch a recognisable tree or some other identifiable feature in a photo.
Please submit any findings with exact location and your address. We will not publish any address but we must confirm all video, images and sounds are from DS-15 and the immediate vicinity, so try and catch a recognisable tree or some other identifiable feature in a photo.
Feb 19: Deer on the Road
At 05:50 am on Monday January 28, witnesses reported two deer bucked across the main road, driven down from the fields by the fence, as they cannot jump across the gardens as they used to. Although no pictures were possible given the available light and danger this would have posed on the Midhurst Road, this incident demonstrates that the new fences are dangerous, both to drivers and the deer, and should be taken down and replaced by conventional anti-deer tree tubes. How long before an accident results from this action on the Midhurst Road?
At 05:50 am on Monday January 28, witnesses reported two deer bucked across the main road, driven down from the fields by the fence, as they cannot jump across the gardens as they used to. Although no pictures were possible given the available light and danger this would have posed on the Midhurst Road, this incident demonstrates that the new fences are dangerous, both to drivers and the deer, and should be taken down and replaced by conventional anti-deer tree tubes. How long before an accident results from this action on the Midhurst Road?
Strange Fence and Gate:
Probably a reason, but a gate and more non-AONB standard fencing has appeared, this time opposite Bell Vale Lane. It may be a deer-toll to allow them onto the field.This land could not be part of the major building plan so would only ever be accessible if the rest of Haslemere green space is concrete - Don't believe the banter, it is all about profit, not green space, access to Blackdown or preserving 10sqm of grass.
Just self gratification and money.
Remember. If the top is concrete, the bottom floods as the natural soak-away is blocked off - it has already been surveyed and stated by Waverley commissioned consultants.
News Update from Christmas Gathering (summary)
From a letter received from Surrey Hills, which states that this development is "unsuitable”:
Extract from letter [Personal comments withheld]
"Whereas Scotland Lane currently forms a clearly defined boundary to the built up area of Haslemere, the proposed seemingly arbitrary and ill-defined southern boundary would not..."
... Protected landscapes should not be sacrificed to provide low density market housing that does not meet the need for smaller and more affordable housing. This is a further reason to support the unsuitability of this proposed housing allocation."
Many thanks to David C for this involvement
May 2018 Waverley web site statement (Valid March 1 2019)
Waverley has stated that all large scale planning is on hold in Wealden Heath II SPA area – This includes Red Court.
Extract from WBC Planning website
"Due to matters outside Waverley Borough Council’s control, there is likely to be a delay to the determination of any applications for new dwellings within 5km of any Special Protection Area (SPA). This is a result of a recent European Court of Justice ruling (Case C 323/17 - People Over Wind and Sweetman 2018) relating to the Habitats Directive. As such, the council is currently in the process of reviewing its decision making processes in respect of new dwellings within the Buffer Zones of the Wealden Heaths and Thames Basin Heaths SPAs. The council is currently awaiting further legal advice on this matter and is liaising closely with Natural England to ensure that future decisions made by the council in these areas are lawful and to avoid the possibility of legal challenge."
Dec 2018: The disappearing Post Box on Scotlands Lane
The Royal Mail have decided to reinstate this much loved Post Box
See Letter
Probably a reason, but a gate and more non-AONB standard fencing has appeared, this time opposite Bell Vale Lane. It may be a deer-toll to allow them onto the field.This land could not be part of the major building plan so would only ever be accessible if the rest of Haslemere green space is concrete - Don't believe the banter, it is all about profit, not green space, access to Blackdown or preserving 10sqm of grass.
Just self gratification and money.
Remember. If the top is concrete, the bottom floods as the natural soak-away is blocked off - it has already been surveyed and stated by Waverley commissioned consultants.
News Update from Christmas Gathering (summary)
- It is understood that Redwood started the planning proposal but pulled out at the last minute.
- Redwood violated planning with their fencing
- Research on alternative sites to meet the Local Plan needs
- Next Steps
- Communications update.
From a letter received from Surrey Hills, which states that this development is "unsuitable”:
Extract from letter [Personal comments withheld]
"Whereas Scotland Lane currently forms a clearly defined boundary to the built up area of Haslemere, the proposed seemingly arbitrary and ill-defined southern boundary would not..."
... Protected landscapes should not be sacrificed to provide low density market housing that does not meet the need for smaller and more affordable housing. This is a further reason to support the unsuitability of this proposed housing allocation."
Many thanks to David C for this involvement
May 2018 Waverley web site statement (Valid March 1 2019)
Waverley has stated that all large scale planning is on hold in Wealden Heath II SPA area – This includes Red Court.
Extract from WBC Planning website
"Due to matters outside Waverley Borough Council’s control, there is likely to be a delay to the determination of any applications for new dwellings within 5km of any Special Protection Area (SPA). This is a result of a recent European Court of Justice ruling (Case C 323/17 - People Over Wind and Sweetman 2018) relating to the Habitats Directive. As such, the council is currently in the process of reviewing its decision making processes in respect of new dwellings within the Buffer Zones of the Wealden Heaths and Thames Basin Heaths SPAs. The council is currently awaiting further legal advice on this matter and is liaising closely with Natural England to ensure that future decisions made by the council in these areas are lawful and to avoid the possibility of legal challenge."
Dec 2018: The disappearing Post Box on Scotlands Lane
The Royal Mail have decided to reinstate this much loved Post Box
See Letter