All the wildlife, AONB Landscape within the immediate area of Red Court - mainly neighbouring gardens or on the AONB / AGLV itself.
All developers will have to make a positive Biodiversity contribution, especially while ploughing up nests and dormouse homes. This has specific factors which must be adhered to. HSRA will be ensuring every action possible is included in our objections. NPPF June 19 - Policy #170 (d)
d) minimising impacts on and providing net gains for biodiversity, including by establishing coherent ecological networks that are more resilient to current and future pressures;
All developers will have to make a positive Biodiversity contribution, especially while ploughing up nests and dormouse homes. This has specific factors which must be adhered to. HSRA will be ensuring every action possible is included in our objections. NPPF June 19 - Policy #170 (d)
d) minimising impacts on and providing net gains for biodiversity, including by establishing coherent ecological networks that are more resilient to current and future pressures;
All our friends on the HSRA protection area
"Work" on the AONB Land by the developer and groundsman and the inflicted impact on wildlife
The "normal" tree protection tubes with the deer trap in the background ( 6 Deer to date Mid March 2020) - Installing the fence right opposite a pensioner's front window.
One of 6 images (video evidence withheld) of deer injury. The mess left on AONB visible from Midhurst Road. Massive fires ? why?
How can this happen in Surrey?
How can this happen in Surrey?