As reported in the press ( Public domain information) without comment from HSRA:
The severe backlash for using multiple unsubstantiated references to other bodies, suggesting support for the destruction of AONB, when there clearly is not. (13 June 2019). There is minimal support or positive references because destruction of AONB and AGLV land is not in support of the local community spirit.
Most parties have now refuted the Redwood claims and hopefully some may take action. One to go, hopefully on Thursday 20th June 2019.
REDWOOD (SOUTH WEST) LIMITED Company number 10951212 (Public Domain Companies House link)
Also see similar Activities with the same management tactics. Start with Link 1 then move onto to Link 2 to see the same theme of "destruction" (as stated in the Observer)
As reported in the press ( Public domain information) without comment from HSRA:
The severe backlash for using multiple unsubstantiated references to other bodies, suggesting support for the destruction of AONB, when there clearly is not. (13 June 2019). There is minimal support or positive references because destruction of AONB and AGLV land is not in support of the local community spirit.
Most parties have now refuted the Redwood claims and hopefully some may take action. One to go, hopefully on Thursday 20th June 2019.
REDWOOD (SOUTH WEST) LIMITED Company number 10951212 (Public Domain Companies House link)
Also see similar Activities with the same management tactics. Start with Link 1 then move onto to Link 2 to see the same theme of "destruction" (as stated in the Observer)
Extracts with permission from Haslemere Herald - copied to Word as text is small.
For full report and lots of local news please buy your Haslemere Herald at your local store or by subscribing on line .
For full report and lots of local news please buy your Haslemere Herald at your local store or by subscribing on line .

Plan support claims just ‘green wash’ (Ed 125 No 48)(13 June 2019)
DEVELOPERS hoping to build up to 180 new homes in a Haslemere Area of Out-standing Natural Beauty (AONB) are under fire for 'green wash'.
Redwood property developers have just concluded a public consultation on pre-application plans to increase the draft site allocation in Waverley Borough Council's Local Plan part two from 50 houses to 180 at Red Court Estate in Scotland Lane. But supporting statements to promote the scheme have upset local organisations, including Haslemere Town Council, for implying they are in favour of the proposals. Responding, Redwood said: "We sincerely apologise if any inference of support has been mistakenly aligned with any local community members or groups." Full statement on Page 30, see also Letters on Page 29. First to publicly object in a letter to the Herald on May 30, was Haslemere 's eight-strong confederation of schools, which stressed it remained officially neutral. Haslemere Town Council and neighbourhood plan group Haslemere Vision have now gone public (see Letters Page 28) to deny they have endorsed pre-application housing proposals. The Waverley District of the Surrey branch of Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has also denied suggestions it supports the scheme. Surrey CPRE director Andy Smith said: "This is a prime example of 'green wash' whereby developers pretend that their schemes are environmentally sustainable when in reality they are anything but." Anthony Isaacs, CPRE Waverley District chairman added: "The developers of Red Court claim in their literature that the proposals to build 180 houses on green fields designated as an area of great landscape value and/ or within the Surrey Hills AONB 'conform and align absolutely' with CPRE policies on access to National Parks and AONBs. "Most emphatically we do not share that view."
DEVELOPERS hoping to build up to 180 new homes in a Haslemere Area of Out-standing Natural Beauty (AONB) are under fire for 'green wash'.
Redwood property developers have just concluded a public consultation on pre-application plans to increase the draft site allocation in Waverley Borough Council's Local Plan part two from 50 houses to 180 at Red Court Estate in Scotland Lane. But supporting statements to promote the scheme have upset local organisations, including Haslemere Town Council, for implying they are in favour of the proposals. Responding, Redwood said: "We sincerely apologise if any inference of support has been mistakenly aligned with any local community members or groups." Full statement on Page 30, see also Letters on Page 29. First to publicly object in a letter to the Herald on May 30, was Haslemere 's eight-strong confederation of schools, which stressed it remained officially neutral. Haslemere Town Council and neighbourhood plan group Haslemere Vision have now gone public (see Letters Page 28) to deny they have endorsed pre-application housing proposals. The Waverley District of the Surrey branch of Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has also denied suggestions it supports the scheme. Surrey CPRE director Andy Smith said: "This is a prime example of 'green wash' whereby developers pretend that their schemes are environmentally sustainable when in reality they are anything but." Anthony Isaacs, CPRE Waverley District chairman added: "The developers of Red Court claim in their literature that the proposals to build 180 houses on green fields designated as an area of great landscape value and/ or within the Surrey Hills AONB 'conform and align absolutely' with CPRE policies on access to National Parks and AONBs. "Most emphatically we do not share that view."
No support...2 (Ed 125 No 48)(13 June 2019)
I WRITE as chairman of Haslemere Vision regarding the recent "consultations" held by Redwood (South West) Ltd concerning their plans for the development of 180 homes on land at Red Court, Scotland Lane, Haslemere. Redwood's claim this is a "community-led" development and their selective references to the draft Haslemere Neighbourhood Plan has led a number of residents to contact me, and other colleagues, to ask whether Haslemere Vision, the volunteer community body which has drafted the plan, has been consulted on or is in support of the proposed development. It is important to put the record straight: 1Vision (HV) has not been consulted on the proposed development at any stage, nor does it endorse it. 2The draft Neighbourhood plan (NP) does not set out any site-specific policies but the Redwood proposals include Plans to build, in the first phase of development, 50 dwellings on land that is designated an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV) and, later, to build a further 130 dwellings on land that is designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Value (AONB). The Neighbourhood Plan opposes development on AONB or AGLV land. 3However, because of the limited availability of land for development in and around Haslemere the draft NP states "the Neighbourhood Plan recognises that, if allocated and windfall sites are not being developed at a rate necessary to deliver the houses needed within the plan period, it may be necessary to allocate one or more sites that include land designated as AGLV, inside the settlement boundary. "Any such site allocated for development by Waverley Borough Council in the Local Plan part two should be brought forward for development only if it can be demonstrated the planned development of houses is not taking place at a rate commensurate with achieving the overall housing provision over the plan period". 4HV's strong contention is the number of dwellings that have already been built, or for which planning permission has already been granted since the start of the current plan period, combined with the current rate of windfall development taking place within the existing settlement boundary, make it highly unlikely it will be necessary to release any AGLV land before the end of the plan period in 2032. If Redwood's proposals are truly "community led" it is to be hoped they take account of the above. Stewart Brown Chairman of Haslemere Vision Courts Hill Road, Haslemere |
The formal response can be obtained by purchasing archive Haslemere Herald (13 June 2019) from your local store.