The front gate and entrance has now been transformed and the new name for the build is "Scotland Park".
The first homes are taking shape. |
HSRA always endeavour to cover all aspects of the local Community, from the loss of Green spaces to open liaison with the house builders, Elivia Homes Ltd.
As part of the community engagement, excess wood from the clearance, cut into sized logs, were delivered to the immediate residents affected by the local tree loss. These will be distributed. Thank you to James & David for their kind offer & dumper truck.
As part of the community engagement, excess wood from the clearance, cut into sized logs, were delivered to the immediate residents affected by the local tree loss. These will be distributed. Thank you to James & David for their kind offer & dumper truck.
Diary - will be updated as events happen If you have Pictures or info please Email to HSRA
An adjoining resident Emailed these lovely Tulips to the website. Very nice.
However the comment is 'these are the first Tulips in 20 years which survived not being eaten by local Deer'. This shows the development on Red Court has totally eradicated the once dominant wildlife as predicted . Sad note to a lovely image - can redwood explain BNG again please? . |
Sadly, we will all now witness the wholesale destruction of the beautiful habitat and green woodlands we all strived to protect for future generations. Automated massive tree felling units will soon start (Mid February). When approval was granted at appeal, the planning conditions did not include access via Scotlands Lane, and it would appear that the new developer wishes to have this reversed. This initial development will involve very major tree loss and destruction of habitat, all given a green light by the government planning inspector who approved Redwood’s plans at appeal, allowing housing numbers to trump landscape value and biodiversity, overruling the Council.
Some of Haslemere councillors repeatedly supported Redwood’s plan to concrete over this precious biodiverse green land, voting FOR the developer against the majority of our community’s wishes, and against our town’s Neighbourhood Plan. Just a reminder when May elections come around!
As a non-political statement of fact:
Simon Dear Cons For
David Round Cons.For
Melanie Odell Cons For
Brigitte Hewett Cons For
Nikki Barton Ind Against
Kirsten Ellis Ind Against
Jacquie Keen Ind Against
Gary Lloyd Green Against
Claire Matthes. Green Against
John Robini Libs Against
Terry Weldon Libs Against
Geoffrey Whitby Libs Against
Peter Isherwood sadly passed away, so is not included in this list.
Some of Haslemere councillors repeatedly supported Redwood’s plan to concrete over this precious biodiverse green land, voting FOR the developer against the majority of our community’s wishes, and against our town’s Neighbourhood Plan. Just a reminder when May elections come around!
As a non-political statement of fact:
Simon Dear Cons For
David Round Cons.For
Melanie Odell Cons For
Brigitte Hewett Cons For
Nikki Barton Ind Against
Kirsten Ellis Ind Against
Jacquie Keen Ind Against
Gary Lloyd Green Against
Claire Matthes. Green Against
John Robini Libs Against
Terry Weldon Libs Against
Geoffrey Whitby Libs Against
Peter Isherwood sadly passed away, so is not included in this list.
Galley as the land area changes
15th February 2023: Images of the initial work undertaken before the heavy machinery arrives. The grass has been scarified to deter wildlife and the gate house area cleared.
Most of the trees here will be felled (red spots on them).
1. No mitigation of wildlife (re housing) has taken place.
2. No dormice or slow worm provision (in hibernation)
3. Unsure of knotweed prevention
4. Flooding and the proposed SUDS seen as a problem.
Most of the trees here will be felled (red spots on them).
1. No mitigation of wildlife (re housing) has taken place.
2. No dormice or slow worm provision (in hibernation)
3. Unsure of knotweed prevention
4. Flooding and the proposed SUDS seen as a problem.